This section is dedicated to tools mainly concerning Kabbalah (QBLH).

Theosophic reduction changes a number consisting of several figures into another composed of a smaller number of figures. This is accomplished by adding the digits of the number to be reduced. It is used to trace connections between Kabbalistic names and technical terms, and, according to some authors, it is a key to many puzzles in alchemical and Rosicrucian symbolism.

Theosophic extension is a mathematical operation that involves summing up a sequence of consecutive integers starting from 1, up to a specified integer. Sometimes called “theosophic addition”. The result of this operation is known as the secret number.

Theosophic root is the reverse operation of Theosophic extension.

Articulation is a method that divides a number into groups or into units (e.g. units, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.). Its purpose is to study the occult meanings of each group in order to determine the significance of the number which is being analyzed.

Cabala Simplex Latina is a Latin-based system of numerology that assigns numerical values to letters in the Latin alphabet, with each letter corresponding to a specific number.

Gematria Calculator is a tool that calculates the numerical value of Hebrew letters and words, providing insights into their hidden meanings. Simply input a word or phrase, and the calculator will sum the values of each letter to reveal its Gematria value.

Theosophic Extension

Theosophic Root

Gematria database

Input a number to find out hebrew words correspondences

Number Divider


Cabala Simplex Latina

Gematria Calculator

Gematria Calculator

Enter Hebrew words in the box below to calculate their Gematria value: