
  • Shin Teth Nun, 300+9+50 = 359.
  • 359 as sharpening, extending, rejecting, being sharp, having thorns.
  • Using the technique of articulation 359 can be grouped into 35 and 9. The theosophical extension of 35 is 630, value of the word Seraphim. Seraphim are the highest class of angels. 9 is the value of Teth, meaning serpent. The extension of 9 is 45, value of Adam and Homo in Cabala Simplex Latina. This suggestion indicates that the word Satan contains the whole genetic story, with Adam, the Angel and the serpent.
  • The three cards that form the word Satan are 20, 8 and 13. Sum-total 41.
  • 41 is the value of:
    1. mother
    2. to separate
    3. to limit
  • The extension of 41 is 861, as Gift of Yah.
  • Satan is a separative, limiting but also maternal power. Mother, the symbol of Binah, is seen from a certain perspective as a giver of death because by giving birth to man, she exposes him to the mortal travail of life, exhibits him to transience. Likewise Binah receives the luminous influence of Chokmah and limits it within the form. Here it is that in the tarot The Devil is represented by Capricorn and Saturn. However, this limitation is, in its ultimate development, a Gift of Yah, a name associated with Chokmah.
  • 359 is also the value of the word maschach, meaning to consecrate, but also like the words chamesh, five, like the senses that create the illusion of separateness, and the interesting shemittah, to pay a debt. Five is also the number of man, and this may make us wonder whether it is the satan who is paying the debt or it is us. There is also a correlation here between the contraction of debt and consecration, as if this fate befell us were a blessing. Let’s also mention the fact the the name of the 3rd path, the one associated with Binah, is named Sanctifying Intelligence.
    • The extension of 20 is 210, such as:
      1. imposing a penalty (which is done when a sentence is passed; connection with Judgment)
      2. sinking down, being unsearchable.
  • The extension of 8 is 36, as in the words:
    1. shine
    2. the palace of the Sun
    3. Eloha, name given to Geburah
  • The extension of 13 is 91, as:
    1. angel
    2. faithfulness, truth, amen
    3. tree
  • The development of the verdict/judgment against Satan was the imposition of a penalty, and his becoming unsearchable, because he is impervious to what martinists call the good intellect.

"I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."
- Luke 10,18

  • In Luke 10:12 Satan is compared to the lightning, which is a metaphor for the power of the serpent, or Great Magical Agent that is tamed by the female figure in the Strength key. This is the serpent (teth) who can be both tempter and savior. It is the agent of our liberation. The lightning that comes from heaven is esh-hashamaim, the fire of heaven. This name is related to The Tower, which represents the archetype of Mars, inherent in the extension of the number 8. The development of the operation of the Strength has precisely to do with the redirection for evolutionary purposes of the martial force represented by the lion, a force that, if not understood, becomes the torch that in The Devil burns empty, causing us to remain in the illusion of appearances. The end of The Tower’s operation is the reversal of our conception regarding the position of our ego within the universal picture.
  • Another interesting reading, this time of an ideogrammatic character, of Satan we find by combining the three magical images of the three letters that make up its word: shin, the tooth, teth, the snake, nun, the fish, representing death. We begin by anticipating the relationship between the fish and death. The fish is a type of animal that thrives in a dimension in which human beings are unable to survive. Conversely, exposed to the play of air, the fish dies. He lives in water, and the astral plane is referred to in some cultures as the liquid world, just as the experience of astral light is compared by some to immersion in a liquid light. When the snake sinks its jaws (teeth) into its prey it causes paralysis. Paralysis is the immobility of the physical body, a necessary condition for the experience of samadhi. In the tarot, samadhi is an experience associated with Mem, and it is in the water that fish live. Christ, according to an ancient hyerogram, was called Ictus, which means fish in Greek. We overcome Satan – that is, we change our perception of his role in our lives – when we experience the unity of life and the inner fire (shin) that animates the cosmos.
  • Let us juxtapose the image of the serpent paralyzing and saving with an imaginative key: there is a story that narrates that after being put to sleep by YHVH, Adam has not yet awakened, and he is dreaming all that followed in the biblical account. Adam, a name associated with Tiphareth, is dreaming of the world, and the serpent is his savior, because he has initiated the intra- dream process of the knowledge of Good and Evil that will set him on his way to awakening.