the fool

  • If you invert the letters forming the letter-name of Aleph you get the word “Pehleh” which means wonderful, magnificient, a reference to Kether, which is the Admirable Intelligence.
  • The bag of memory is closed, meaning memory is a power at rest, in this key. Often, memories are what hinders us in our quest, and they drag us behind with fear.
  • The Fool is going north, the place of utmost darkness. The road is spawned on-the-fly as he treads the path. This is related to key 4, the Constituting Intelligence. The light of vision gives form to darkness/chaos. Quantum Physics states something similar: electrons seem to displace themselves in space upon the seeing act of a witness. When we visualise/imagine something, we are actually creating it.
  • The Fool knows earth to be a passive principle that mirrors spirit; he’s not worried by the fact that before his very feet there’s an abyss. Let’s remember that the abyss is a metaphor for the subconscious mind. In fact, the pillars in the High Priestess card show the letters beth and yod, which have value 2 and 10 respectively, and whose sum is 12, like the word הדבא, meaning abyss.
  • Fool in Hebrew is spelled e-veel (aleph, vav, yod, lamed). It is assonant to the english word “evil”, but, as in most magical symbols, there’s a blind behind it. We can find it remembering that eveel has value 47 in Gematria, the same as זככ, which means bright, pure. To be pure means letting the stream of the Higher Self and of Will flow unobstructed through personality, to be transparent (The Magician). A person who is pure in this manner is often seen as a fool by the mass-mind. At the same time, though, people are attracted to this very special individuals; 47, in fact, is the value of מגד, a word that means to be honored, to be renowned.
  • The White Sun is Laban Shemesh (Lamed-Beth,Nun, Heh + Shin,Mem,Shin), whose value is 727 (87 + 640).
  • 727 is also the value of nequdah rashunah, The Primordial Point, one of the names of Kether. The White Sun is, in fact, Kether.
  • The Fool is treading the path that comes from Kether and goes to Chokmah. Hence he has the White Sun on his back and YHVH, the sacred name associated with Chokmah, on his collar.
  • The purse has two Martian symbolisms: the color red and the eagle, connected to the zodiac sign of scorpio. It hangs from the staff, which represents the will, and is closed. The fact that it is at the level of the head indicates the sublimation of the reproductive energies and their rise to the higher centers. They are now linked to the will (the staff) and the Fool can tap into it through the symbolic eye (drawn on the clasp). It is not a pair of eyes, like Ayin, but one eye.
  • In terms of evolution, the dog stands to us as we stand to Superconsciousness.
  • As the leaves on the head of The Fool indicate, our brains have cells that capture the sun’s rays and interact with them.
  • The mountains in the background are at the base purple in color, and at the summit white in color. Purple is the color that in the human body takes the energy of Jupiter. It collects in Manipura chakra, which means “chakra filled with jewels”; this is because in it is stored the wisdom of all the experiences experienced by the life force. Snow, cold and pure wisdom, melts because of the Sun (source of the Life Force) and goes to nourish the purple rock. What is eternal and divine is thus gradually integrated into the memory/wisdom of the Cosmos as the Fool proceeds on his adventure from peak to peak. The ground springs up under his feet precisely because of this ceaseless process of integrating that which is in power, in the subtle world, in that which is memory but also concreteness, for violet is also part of the color of Saturn, that force that gives body and form to ideas and provides grounding to the life force.
  • The feet are the lowest part of the body as well as the foundation of movement. The Fool, the stage of consciousness called Superconsciousness, has feet covered with yellow shoes as its foundation. Yellow is the color of Mercury, energy that is expressed in the body in two main centers: the upper brain with the pineal gland, and the lungs. It is precisely in its main location that it gives the possibility of experiencing superconsciousness. Indeed, it is precisely in the pineal that a yellow sand is contained, which, once crystallized, brings together the conditions for experiencing the superconscious state. It is through breathing that we are able to utilize those forces that contribute to the crystallization of the philosopher’s stone.
  • The ground under The Fool has the brown color of the card of The Devil, the illusion of the separation of appearances. Unlike the two individuals in the card of The Tower, The Fool does not build anything but rather gently rests his feet on appearances, lightly, without being fascinated by them. His gaze is always fiercely turned toward the horizon.
  • The Fool keeps the memories in the bag, away from him, as he is completely absorbed in the present moment.