The basis of the Magician’s operations is Tiphareth [yellow color in background], and Tiphareth is the root of the power of imagination. As a symbol of Hod-the Mercury Sphere-the Magician connects to Tiphareth through the Devil’s card (Path of Renewing Intelligence). Tiphareth’s influence descends into Hod in the form of inner vision [Ayin]. These images populate the mental world of the Magician who, by an act of intention, discriminates among them, functionally to his desires [roses]. Roses are a symbol of Netzach; they indicate those desires that are the result of the agglutination of images and emotional charges; true psychic aggregates. The elevated wand represents intention, and is raised to the level of these desires. The Magician circumscribes the operations of the intellect to a specific desire and set of images [white band]. Having chosen these images, he applies reason and planning to articulate a scene to be relived mentally in a loop [lemniscata]. In parallel, it informs the subconscious mind with particular, circular auto-suggestions [snake, teth, Strength]. Finally, it conveys Life Power toward the instruments of the intellect and the senses. He points, in fact, the index finger toward the table, which houses the cup [imagination, sense of taste], the sword [thought/action, sense of sight], the wand [personal will/initiative and sense of touch], and the coin [form, sense of smell]. It means that what he is mentally staging is something alive, and includes all the senses. These mental formalizations - lower reflection of Binah’s macrocosmic power - install patterns in the subconscious [Yesod - 9-flower garden] which applies its deductive and associative faculties on them, producing knowledge and concretizing them. The operations of the Magician do, in fact, have an effect on Malkuth - the material world - and this is exemplified by the table with the Ionic columns and the color of the latter, the color of the portion of Malkuth connected to Hod through Path 31 (Judgment). The Magician can unfold his operations because there is a material base that accommodates them and serves as a laboratory.